# Checklist for AUN-QA Assessment at Programme Level Evidences of AUN-QA Assessment
1 a. Expected learning outcomes
(a. Kết quả học tập mong đợi)

a. Programme objectives and expected learning outcomes

2 b. Brief outline of all courses in the programme
(b. Bản tóm tắt tất cả các môn học trong CTĐT)

b. Brief outline of all courses in the programme

3 c. Programme specification
(c. Bản quy cách (thông tin) Chương trình)

c. Programme specification

c13_Summary 1_Structure of teaching programme

c14_Summarization of all credit units in Teaching programme

c21_Quality indicators

4 d. Samples of course specification
(d. Một số mẫu đề cương chi tiết môn học (bản mô tả môn học))

d1. Health psychology – Medical ethics

d2. Pathophysiology -Immunology

d3. Cytopathology 1

5 e. Educational philosophy
(e. Triết lý giáo dục)

e. Educational philosophy

6 f. Sample of examination papers
(f. Một số mẫu đề thi, bài thi, kiểm tra)

f1. Health psychology – Medical ethics




f2. Pathophysiology -Immunology

Code A_Mid-Term Test, semester I, 2021-2022

Code B_Mid-Term Test, semester I, 2021-2022



f3. Cytopathology 1

Midterm exam_Cytopathology 1

Code A_Cytopathology 1 Semester exam

Code B_Cytopathology 1 Semester exam

7 g. Sample of marking guides
(g. Một số mẫu hướng dẫn cho điểm)

g1. Health psychology – Medical ethics

Answer mid-term 2022-2023

Answer final exam Code A

Answer final exam Code B

g2. Pathophysiology -Immunology

Answer Mid-term

Answer final examination

g3. Cytopathology 1

Answer Midterm_Cytopathology 1

Answer final exam_ Cytopathology 1

8 h. Sample of rubrics especially for internships, projects and thesis writing
(h. Một số mẫu các tiêu chí đánh giá, thang điểm cho thực tập, đồ án, luận văn tốt nghiệp)

h1. Rubric Health Psychology and Medical Ethics

h2. Rubric pathophysiology-Immunology

h3. Rubric_Cytopathology 1

9 i. Sample of academic and support staff appraisal forms
(i. Mẫu đánh giá giảng viên, đội ngũ hỗ trợ)

i. Sample of academic and support staff appraisal form

i1. Form 1_ Assessment form for Lecturer

i2. Form 2-Asessment form for Researcher. MA Tran Thi Tuyet Ngoc

10 j. Sample of student evaluation
(j. Mẫu khảo sát đánh giá của sinh viên)

j1. Sample of Survey form feedbacks from students on Teaching performance by lecturers

j2. Sample of Survey form_Graduate student survey form on the whole programme

11 k. 1-page brief of each survey, tracer study report or meeting minutes
(k. Tóm tắt hoạt động khảo sát, các báo cáo, biên bản họp)

k1. Stakeholders feedback mechanism

k2. Stakeholders feedback forms

k2.1. Survey form for lecturer

k2.2. Survey form for experts and managers

k2.3. Survey form for learning advisors’ affairs 2020-2021

k2.4. Survey form for employer

k2.5. Survey form for students on learning program

k2.6. Survey form for students on teaching activities, student support, and extracurricular activities

k2.7. Survey form for employer on the program

k2.8. Survey form for students on scientific research activities, the impact of connecting and serving the community for learners

k2.9. Survey form for readers on the services Library and Information Center 2020-2021

k2.10. Survey form for readers on the services Library and Information Center 2021 - 2022

k2.11. Survey form of 4th year students on programme, teaching activities, student support, and extracurricular activities

k2.12. Survey form of alumni

k2.13. Survey form for employment status of graduates

k2.14. Survey form for officials, employees on financial planning work

k2.15. Plan Survey of final students

k3. Report on stakeholders feedback on programme



k3.1. Summary report results of the 2022 survey feedback from Students (programme of BaML)

k3.2. Summary report of the survey on feedback from Students assessment of Lecturers_Teaching Activities (programme of BaML)

k3.3. Summary report knowledge of tasks. rights and policies of Lecturers in 2022 (programme of BaML)

k3.4. Summary report survey of first, second, and third year students_feedback on teaching activities, student support and extracurricular activities in 2022

k3.5. Summary report survey of final-year students_opinions in the BaML in 2022

k3.6. Summary report the results of 2022 ELOs survey of employees and specialists

k3.7. Summary report survey of Employers feedback on the programme of BaML in 2022

k3.8. Summary report Survey Results on Employment Status of Graduated Students from 2017 to 2021

k3.9. Summary report of the survey on the opinions of Lecturers and Technicians teaching the Medical Laboratory major in 2022

k3.10. Summary report of research results of Officer and Employers on facilities activities for training and science in Hue UMP in 2022

k3.11. Summary report on the survey of the opinions of Lecturers, Technicians of BaML in 2022

k3.12. Summary report on the survey results on the feedback of staff and specialists on expected learning results in 2022

k3.13. Summary report on the survey results on the feedback of Employers for the Medical Laboratory in 2022

k3.14. Summary report on the survey of the Graduates in Medical Laboratory from 2017 to 2021

k3.15. Summary report on the survey of Staff and Lecturers on service activities of the Library and Information Center 2021-2022

k3.16. Summary report on the survey Alumni of Medical Laboratory in 2021

k3.17. Summary report on the opinion survey Alumni of Medical Laboratory in 2022

12 l. Executive summary of academic and support manpower plan
(l. Tóm tắt hoạt động phát triển đội ngũ giảng viên, cán bộ hỗ trợ)

l. Executive summary of academic and support manpower plan of Hue UMP

13 m. Executive summary of training and development plan for academic and support staff
(m. Tóm tắt kế hoạch đào tạo, nâng cao năng lực đội ngũ giảng viên và cán bộ hỗ trợ)

m1. BaML-Executive summary of training and development plan for academic and support

m2. Development plan 2021-2015 and orientations towards 2030_ Hue UMP